IPBeja - Instituto Politécnico de Beja

(portuguese version)

School of Agriculture


The School of Agriculture (ESA) of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, was established in 1979 and is currently one of four organic units of the Institute.

ESAB's mission is structured in 4 areas: education and training, research, technology transfer and support services to the community.

These axes are developed in 3 areas of research increasingly interlinked, particularly in a territory as the Alentejo, in profound economic transformation, environmental and landscape: agriculture, agro-industry and environment.

To guarantee the quality of training provided, to be with a strong practical training component, the ESA Beja, whose motto has always been "learning by doing", has several support structures.

These support units in parallel, the investigation and the provision and community service, which includes various types of analyses (food, land, oil and olives, irrigation and water consumption, effluent and sludge, and animal feed, seeds and other plant material, plant Diagnostics, among others), agricultural consultancy, valuation of regional products and product development, especially in the agro-food sector.



In terms of the formative offer of ESAB, she has been relatively stable over the past few years and is structured in a perspective of lifelong learning, and so in a sequential organization, allowing the progression of training the students and active.

So, this offer begins with 5-level courses: Technological Specialization courses, now replaced by Higher Professional Technical Courses, with the duration of 2 years, the curriculum last semester dedicated to training in a work context (in-company training); This type of training allows some flexibility and annual alternation between the courses, making it possible to adapt the offer to the needs of training of human resources in the region. In a sequential perspective, appear after the degrees or courses of 1st cycle, lasting for 3 years (Agronomy, food science and technology and environmental engineering), and the masters of professional nature or 2nd cycle courses (Agronomy, Food Engineering and environmental engineering).

In terms of research, ESAB has sought throughout his almost 40 years, bet on the development and innovation in the sectors of greater economic, social and cultural significance of the region. So, it's been done a considerable technological investment in the field of olive growing and olive oil, wine and vine, and rain-fed and irrigated cereals, considering the variability of agricultural territory. In recent years, with the development of the Multiple Purposes of Alqueva, the school has sought to respond to the challenges of this opportunity, developing research into crops suited to the irrigated crops.




- Mediterranean Agriculture

- Laboratory Testing

- Crops Watered

- Innovation and technology Feed

- Olive, olive oil and table olives

- Environmental Protection systems

- Viticulture and Oenology

Graduate Courses (1st Bologna cycle)

- Agronomy

- Science and technology of food

- Environmental engineering

Master (2nd Bologna Cycle)

- Agronomy

- Food Engineering

- Environmental engineering



©2011 - Instituto Politécnico de Beja
Ficha Técnica