IPBeja - Graduate Courses

(portuguese version)

Employability / Career Opportunities


A degree in Legal Services allows future professionals to access to multiple functions, in terms of the labor market and may exercise the following functions and activities: 1.Be Solicitor, as a liberal profession, in a separate exercise, or through the creation of a society of Solicitors; 2. Be Enforcement Agent (Solicitor Execution); 3. Be Legal Advisor;4. Higher Technician in Public Administration (Central, Regional, Local, Foundations and Public Enterprises); 5. Be responsible for litigation of business; 6. Be Mediator in the Justices of the Peace (Justices of the Peace, Family, Labour, Consumer, Criminal, Administrative and Industrial Property); 7. Being in Business Management and Services, with a strong legal basis; 8. Be Secretary of Companies; 9. Be Insolvency Administrator; 10. Be Advisor Notary Private; 11. Being in asset management and inheritance; 12. Being in Real Estate


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