IPBeja - Instituto Politécnico de Beja

(portuguese version)  

Curricular Units

Expandir/Fechar Ano / Semestre : 1º Ano / 1º Semestre ‎(10)
 Applied Statistics956302125T-15 TP-455
 Functional Anatomy of the Locomotor System95630475T-10 TP-10 PL-103
 Motor Development and Learning956301125T-15 TP-15 PL-155
 Option I - Communication and Multimedia95631175T-10 TP-203
 Option I - Foreign Language ( English)95631275T-10 TP-203
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport I - Basketball95630762,5T-10 TP-352,5
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport I - Football95630862,5T-10 TP-352,5
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport I - Handball95630662,5T-10 TP-352,5
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport I - Volleyball95630962,5T-10 TP-352,5
 Psychology of Physical Activity and Sport956303100T-15 TP-154
Expandir/Fechar Ano / Semestre : 1º Ano / 2º Semestre ‎(10)
 Children and Youth Sport956316100T-20 TP-15 PL-104
 Exercise Physiology I956315100T-20 TP-15 PL-104
 Option II - Education for Active Lifestyle956324100T-20 TP-104
 Option II - Ethics in Sport956323100T-20 TP-104
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport II - Athletics95631862,5T-10 TP-352,5
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport II - Gymnastics95631962,5T-10 TP-352,5
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport II - Swimming Module95632062,5T-10 TP-352,5
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport II - Tennis95632162,5T-10 TP-352,5
 Research Methodologies in physical activity and sport956313100T-20 TP-104
 Trauma and First Aid956314100T-20 TP-15 PL-104
Expandir/Fechar Ano / Semestre : 2º Ano / 1º Semestre ‎(8)
 Exercise Physiology II956326100T-10 TP-10 PL-104
 Exercise, Nutrition and Health956327100T-15 TP-10 PL-204
 Management and Marketing in Sport and Physical Activity956325100T-45 TP-154
 Observation and Analysis of Sports Skills95633075T-10 TP-15 PL-203
 Option III - Models of Sports Organisations956332100T-15 TP-154
 Option III - Sports Animation956333100T-15 TP-154
 Pedagogy of the Physical Activity and Sports956328100T-20 TP-254
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport III - Fitness956329175T-30 TP-907
Expandir/Fechar Ano / Semestre : 2º Ano / 2º Semestre ‎(7)
 Didactics of Physical Activity and Sport956337125T-15 TP-35 TC-105
 Methodology of Training956335137,5T-20 TP-50 PL-205,5
 Movement Analysis956334100T-25 PL-204
 Option IV - Functional Reeducation956340100T-15 TP-154
 Option IV - Physical Activity and Adapted Sport956341100T-15 TP-154
 Professional Practice in Sport and PA (Initiation)956336137,5S-20 TC-255,5
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport IV - Fitness956338150T-15 TP-906
Expandir/Fechar Ano / Semestre : 3º Ano / 1º Semestre ‎(7)
 Evaluation and Exercise prescription956343100T-10 TP20 PL-154
 Internship I956344175S-20 E-857
 Option V -  Specific Didactics: Sports Training956348100T-5 TP-30 PL-104
 Option V - Specific Didactics: Fitness100T-5 TP-30 PL-104
 Physical Activity and Heritage956342100T-10 TP-304
 Physical Activity for Special Populations956346100T-15 TP-20 PL-104
 Propaedeutics and Methodologies in Physical Activity and Sport V - Outdoor Sports956345175T-15 TP-907
Expandir/Fechar Ano / Semestre : 3º Ano / 2º Semestre ‎(2)
 Internship II956351575S-10 E-32023
 Intervention Project on Physical Activity and Sport956350175T-10 TP-357
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