Food Science and Technology
IPBeja > Graduate Courses > Graduate Courses

(portuguese version)

Food Science and Technology

A degree in Food Science and Technology has a strong consistency with the existing training offered at the Polytechnic Institute and in particular the College of Agriculture, with the technological specialization courses (food safety and hygiene) and master's (food engineering).

The curriculum aims to replace the 1st cycle in Food Engineering and benefits from accumulated experience in this area of expertise for over 23 years. The advanced training faculty of the course has been mainly in this area and there is a qualified faculty and ability to continue to develop their activities and R & D projects, to provide services and develop new products on existing infrastructure according to the requirements of the surrounding community.
The objectives set for the course of study are consistent with the educational project, scientific and cultural institution.


Viajem de estudo ao norte


Entre os dias 24 e 28 de Fevereiro realizou-se a habitual viagem de estudo dos alunos finalistas do curso de Alimentar ao norte do País. As instituições industrias visitadas foram: Salsicharia Estremosense, Delta Cafés, Quinta de São Cosme (Queijaria Serra da Estrela), COMUR - Fábrica de Conservas de Murtosa, GelCampo (congelados), Moagem Ceres, ALIP - Laboratório Interprofissional de lacticínios, Caves Ferreira (Vinho do Porto), Caves Aliança, Maçarico (conservas), Dancake culminando na Feira do Queijo do Alentejo em Serpa. A Comissão de curso agradece a todas as instituições que gentilmente receberam os nossos alunos.

©2011 - Instituto Politécnico de Beja Páginas - default ESA - Food Sciences and Technology