(portuguese version) 
Course code:
Accreditation Course (A3ES):
MASTER’S DEGREE IN ASSOCIATION| Beja, Castelo Branco, Portalegre and Setúbal Polytechnic Institute Schools of Health and Évora University S. João de Deus School of Nursing.
This training course, with its professional master’s degree characteristics, is combined with research and community extension services. The idea of training masters in specialised in nursing areas is to qualify professionals to supply people with special and higher quality healthcare services. By giving priority to high level training and qualification, the objectives defined for this master’s degree are included in the framework of the educational, scientific and cultural project developed by Higher Education Institutions involved. Dimensions of community extension services, cooperation and cultural, scientific and technological exchange are associated with regional, national and international entities from a reciprocal appreciation perspective that encourages development of know-how and promotes social intervention.
Seven Areas of Expertise
Nursing in infant and paediatric health*
Community and Public Health Nursing*
Medical-Surgical Nursing - People in Critical Situations*
Nursing in Mental Health and Psychiatric *
Nursing in Rehabilitation*
Medical-Surgical Nursing - People in Chronic and Palliative Situations*
Nursing in Family Health
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