Master - Pre-School Education and Basic Primary Education
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(portuguese version)

Pre-school Education and Basic Primary Education


This 2nd study cycle that leads to the degree in Basic Education, which, when completed, provides students with a joint degree in Pre-School and Primary School Education, enabling them to start their professional lives on these two educational levels.

With a basic philosophy formed by the acquisition of professional and personal competences, through a curricular structure rich in theoretical/practical training and supervised teaching, very oriented towards the real working context, the aim is for students to develop a critical, creative and competent profile in their professional lives.

The course has a duration of 4 terms and a total of 120 credits and the apprenticeship starts straight after the 1st year. The study plan, approved by the Accreditation Agency - A3ES, includes the apprenticeship in pre-school (3-5 years of age) and primary school (6-10 years of age) and kindergarten (0-3 years of age).


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