Master - Communitary Psycho-Gerontology
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(portuguese version)

Social and Community Gerontology


The Master’s Degree in Social Community and Gerontology combines Psychology with Gerontology in the Community. Register in code CNAF 311-Psychology. This is specialised training in ageing designed in a psychological perspective, which also has a multidisciplinary and more active approach to tackle individual, social and community ageing problems in health and illness. Its aim is to qualify professionals to support the older members of society, at present or in the future, to have knowledge of psychogerontology, good practices and know-how for organising initiatives and community and social projects that create awareness and solve problems in a professional environment, focusing on innovation, development and sustainability. It is directed towards professionals from the areas of psychology, social sciences, education, health, nursing, social services, sociocultural entertainment, occupational therapy and physiotherapy and is open to other professionals with interest in these areas.


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