Master - Food Engeneering
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(portuguese version)

Food Engineering


The Master’s Degree Course in Food Engineering has 120 credits and a duration of 4 academic terms. It is aimed at training technicians in the areas of science and engineering with competences for assessing raw materials and interpreting biochemical, physical/chemical and microbiological phenomena occurring in food, and for innovating and improving food production processes and technologies.

Preparation of qualified technicians can lead to important progress being made in natural resources management, product assessment and guaranteed quality; control of contaminating factors, appraisal and defence of biological products or those with their original names and development of new products. These professionals can make substantial contributions to the field of consultancy and projects and to the rationalisation of existing resources.

High market competition implies highly demanding food production, commercialisation and preparation processes, with special emphasis on food control, in order to guarantee that foods are safe for consumers.

The course is accredited by A3ES (Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency) for a period of 6 years.


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