Master - Environmental Engineering
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(portuguese version)

Environmental Engineering


Course recognised by the Order of Engineers and submitted to FEANI (European Federation of National Engineering Associations) for granting the title of EUR ENG (European Engineer). Its new study plan was published in the Official Gazette, series 2 - No. 54 - 17 March 2016, Order No. 3912/2016.
The curricular organisation is based on an ECTS credit system and contains compulsory and optional curricular units. A minimum of 120 credits is required to obtain the degree (4 terms), 82 of which belong to the Scientific Area of Environmental Protection Technologies. Conclusion of the curricular part qualifies the student with a Specialist diploma in Environmental Engineering and to submit a dissertation for obtaining a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineerinzg (MEE). The MEE offers students the possibility of participating in Mobility Programmes and research projects or to prepare their dissertation in an occupational environment.


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