IPBeja - Instituto Politécnico de Beja

(portuguese version)


Compared to the long history of the surrounding region and its people, it can be said that the history of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja is very recent. However, it is a strong, rich history of challenges and experiences.

The Polytechnic Institute of Beja and the schools, which at first the integrated, was created by Decree-Law No. 513-T / 79 of 26 December. The same law regulates also the installation regime of establishments Polytechnic, the definition of the term that takes effect with the inauguration of the respective committees Installers and skills from them.

Through Dep. 171 / MEC / 87 of 17 July was named the 1st Chair, Committee of IPB, Prof. José Jacinto Montalvão Santos e Silva Marques, whose inauguration on August 7, 1987 coincided with the entry into operation of the Institute.

The School of Education (ESEB) and the Agrarian School (ESAB) part since its inception the Polytechnic Institute of Beja. Although its creation dates back to 1979 and the start of the first courses were planned for 1980 and 1984, respectively (Decree-Law No. 513-T / 79 of 26 December), the appointment of its Committees Installers only found in 1985. Installation Committee of ESEB was appointed by Desp. No. 146 / ME / 85 of 4 July and the Installation Committee of the Expenses ESAB. No. 129 / ME / 85 of 4 July.

Training needs at a senior level in the fields of technology and management felt more acutely in some regions of the country and the demands of economic and business community, justifying the basis for extending the activity area of ​​the Polytechnic Institute of Beja other science and technology and the creation of the School of Technology and Management (ESTIG), Decree-Law No. 40/91 of 21 January. Although the Decree stipulated in its article 6 that the President of the Beja Polytechnic Institute competed appoint a responsible Committee of the ESTIG installation only in 1995, by Desp. No. 83-A / ME of 22 September was named the Director of this School.

Please note that the ESTIG to start your activity meant that they were transferred from the ESE Tourism and Information Technology Technical courses (Port.s Nos 1337/95 of 10 December and 9/96 of 8 January), and ESAB the course of Business Administration (Eng. No 1333/95 of 9 November). Thus, the ESTIG began its teaching activities in 1995 with three courses, above, to which also joined that year the course of Civil Engineering, Surveying branch.


Finally, in 2002, the Nursing School (now School of Health) was also built at the Polytechnic Institute of Beja.

Currently the Institute has an academic structure that includes four schools - Agricultural College, School of Education, School of Technology and Management and the School of Health Sciences - all appropriately equipped for the development of active learning based on skills, with a high level of autonomy, offering a wide range of initial training courses (undergraduate) and also in postgraduate training, to a population of about 3500 students. With a team of about 200 teachers and 120 support elements, the institution's fundamental goal of promoting a solid scientific and cultural education and the development of technical and vocational skills in a perspective of learning throughout life.

The challenge of innovation, particularly at the level of initial training (1st Bologna cycle), is the ability to find a balance between scientific and cultural education and vocational training, which allows the student to continue their education throughout levels and routes of flexible studies, or their valid integration into the labor market.

Recognizing, however, that in the context of the new knowledge-based societies, today's employers require professional and relevant technical skills, it has been given particular attention to establishing and strengthening links with local, national and international employers, with industry and other national organizations and regional. In order to have the opportunity to apply theory to practice, in real contexts, most students undertake practical training, either as an integrated activity in the course, or as a supplementary period of vocational training.

At the beginning of the century, and never losing sight of its primary mission - the development and regional promotion - the Polytechnic Institute of Beja is preparing once again to the challenges arising from the emergence of a new global era, determined to win new battle for the future of young students from the region and Europe. A future perhaps more promising but surely much more complex.

Currently the priorities of the agenda of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja are the issues related to internationalization, research and development and quality assurance, structural conditions for a real regional development in the context of globalization and fundamental to the implementation of the Bologna process and the consequent construction of the European Higher Education Area - AEES, with which the Institute is heavily involved.


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